On 60 Minutes the dangers of dating apps, plus the young woman whose brain could provide clues to treating conditions like dementia.No Warning, No Chance Dannielle Finlay-Jones should be alive today. On weekdays, she should be teaching students at the school where she worked. And on weekends, she should be playing sport and hanging out with her friends. Instead, she's another murdered victim of domestic violence. Her family, though, don't want their precious Danni to be a statistic. They want the system that failed her to be fixed. As Amelia Adams reports, Danni had been looking for love, and met Ashley Gaddie, a 33-year-old tradie with a long history of violence against women, on a dating app. But Danni didn't know about his past, or that he was out on bail at the time, and with no warning about his real character, she stood no chance. Reporter: Amelia Adams Producer: Laura SparkesA Beautiful Mind Imagine being able to remember the day you were born. And from then on, every high and every low of every day of your life. For a tiny club of fewer than one hundred extraordinary people worldwide, this is no trick. Unbidden, and sometimes unwelcome, highly detailed memories constantly flood their thoughts. Eighteen-year-old Canadian Emily Nash is the latest and youngest person to be identified with Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory, or HSAM. But while Emily's definitely the girl you want on your Trivial Pursuit team, her ambitions run higher. As she tells Tara Brown, she has volunteered herself, and her unforgettable and beautiful mind, to help those who can't remember. And medical researchers couldn't be happier, because they believe understanding Emily's super brain will provide clues to better treat conditions like dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Reporter: Tara Brown Producer: Sammi Taylor
Steens : I'm shocked I've never seen this movie until now and couldn't agree with you more, It will...