smegheadtardis : A better show is "The Underdog: Josh Must Win" as none of the beautiful people (the other ...
Piglet : Neither did I and sometimes the redo isn't as good as the original.
MikeyMomo : After all these years, it's still the measuring stick that all other HITC matches must end...
yellow_rose1 : Thanks Piglet, I had no idea this was being remade. Those are some hard shoes to fill
Dis : That was good. It's a rare and wonderful thing to watch a good man be awesome~ 💙
snazzydetritus : Excellent recommendation, r! Another reason we are kindred spirits - I have been trying to...
Birdsforme : I agree. I usually do not watch animation, but really enjoyed this.
maxx.black2 : Combining both history and natural history (and not overly narrated), I found this to be v...
random000 : The Hubley's are pretty unique. Love how the human condition itself is their primary subje...
random000 : Season 1 up with 52 posts. No weirdo instructions, scavenger hunts or other convoluted ave...
smegheadtardis : A better show is "The Underdog: Josh Must Win" as none of the beautiful people (the other ...