The battle has begun, but Ragna and the Argentum Corps are not facing just any enemy. They are facing those who mean to exterminate them by any means necessary.
Kill Kenny : ahahaha
greyfur : 2 more episodes
dampyiel2200 : First time watching this like 5 minutes in dude is smoking a cigar on a spaceship. Guess i...
WeeKnighT : Free Energy! I've got to be free, Gotta be, gotta be free.. I hope it works out! I'm not...
hellsingfan01 : No problem.
Dreamcrusher : I bet you're fun at parties :)
Bcflyzz : enjoyed it, but needs a remake
trillianregina : Приятель Скелет (Buddy Skeleton)
Libs368 : In the time it took me to watch this episode, I could've read through half of book 1. I ca...
Patchouligal2 : I am so very concerned about this that I cannot stop thinking about it. Think its time for...
Kill Kenny : ahahaha