On Guernsey, sea-faring couple Buz White and Tess Woodnut operate an island-hopping charter boat. After 40 years volunteering for the RNLI, Buz has finally acquired his dream vessel – a retired Tyne Class lifeboat. With the help of a group of friends, he and Tess take it onto the idyllic island's crystal blue waters for its make or break maiden voyage as a cruiser.
Chris Dalkner lives with his wife in Jersey on Elizabeth Castle's island rock. Daily, he makes the transformation into an 18th Century Master Gunner to put visitors through their paces and educate them on the fortress's rich history and shows off the power of one of its impressive cannons.
Oyster farmer Justin De Carteret is heading by boat from Guernsey to his oyster beds on the beautiful island of Herm. With this premium seafood in demand at restaurants across the UK and the Channel Islands, Justin hopes to harvest plenty of large healthy oysters but he needs to overcome the changing tides in order to collect his pearly bounty.
keithlovestv : I agree with your picks for the top 3.