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Series following the work of the specialist vets, staff and animals at a 24/7 pet hospital in County Durham.The emergency team treat two boxer dogs who've been caught snacking on a fruit and veg box. They're worried about the indigestible corn on the cob. If the cob is too big to remove by an endoscopy, they need to resort to surgery. Older brother Hugo is given the all-clear and sent home when he comes round from the anaesthetic, but six-month-old puppy Casper has something stuck in his intestines that they can't get to. If it doesn't pass naturally during the night, the team anticipate surgery the next morning.On the night shift, the hospital takes over the out-of-hours emergency service for 25 vet practices in the north east, and tonight veterinary intern Marina is called to deal with an unusual case - a cat struggling to give birth. Surgery is the last resort, so they try an alternative method.On the dog ward, a popular patient is back. Guide dog Sherpa comes to see surgeon Anna for a check-up on his wounds. Having previously stayed at the pet hospital for a month, Sherpa has a close bond with the team, who are excited to see him again.

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Title: Episode 1
Air Date: February 6, 2023
Runtime: 30 min

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