Carlos, Jarrod and Jewel are renovating a room for community supporter Anne Riley to give her a place to rest and recharge.
Dante89 : Hilarious episode :D
evykinevy : well c-span only does these presidential surveys when a new president takes office, so if ...
suisen : Awwww, what a sweet christmas story, loved it, good animation, Fiona Shaw, Bill Nighy an...
Dis : In 2021 when Biden was POTUS less than a year?? Yeah that sounds legit lols.
yarner78 : Keep Ridley Scott (its over dude) away from producing and give the ip to Neil Blomkamp. Du...
Dis : Contains spoilers. Click to show. More like sabotage. Imagine lauding a potus who wanted to bring the Taliban to Camp David...
Euringer : Which also wasn't about the documentary you didn't watch. Keep the comments about the movi...
evykinevy : Evidently, presidential historians have reached a consensus that Buchanan was worse overal...
Euringer : Please keep the discussion to the movie and don't take the bait.
evykinevy : well actually, the list I was reading from was published in 2021 when Biden was already pr...
Dante89 : Hilarious episode :D