Why are walls of steel and razor wire going up in Europe and the US? And, what happened to the international commitment to give refugees asylum?
Piglet : The last drama I watched with Jessica Biel was Candy, but I didn't make it past episode on...
IceKreamSundaze : they get paid hella money by tourism canada to promote nova scotia. This is just a giant c...
Can I pet that dawg? : oh thank you!
Zooke : The concept of the show is ok, makes you wonder how long producers have been actively doin...
Annabella : … this was just soooo disappointing.
Birdsforme : Glad someone else ere appreciated him!
Can I pet that dawg? : Did you watch it here? Because there are no links now.
grasshopper rex : The links on episode 1 are for all of it.
kkarlz : This was good :)
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
Piglet : The last drama I watched with Jessica Biel was Candy, but I didn't make it past episode on...