Batteryhead : yeah the whole first episode is mid until the end. Kind of a shame cuz the next 2 episodes...
grasshopper rex : I had pretty much written this one off as being kind of meh until that last scene.
Dis : I like this series as I had no idea how they live life north of North. The cast is interes...
JadeHummingbird : Genuinely asking. Why is it "hard to say"?
Alsoavetswife : Thank you been to lazy to really hunt! But I will read up on them.
percivalsparkes : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I don't think he dies in this one!
ffRyDe'85 : this had potential, but was maybe the worst episode of the series.
Researcher : Thanks pipo!
TacoDirtyToMe : This was the season finale. If we get a second season, I wouldn't expect to see it until 2...
Jirido : Contains spoilers. Click to show. They did go downstream to get to the source of the river most of the time.. Is that a thin...