Madoka, who is approaching the end of her term as student council president, nominates Hikaru as a candidate for the next president, with Sakurako running against her. As Hikaru pushes herself to act like Madoka to try and win votes, she finds a notebook dropped by Sakurako detailing the various ways she hopes to make school a safer and more relaxing place. Just then, Kappard targets Sakurako to power up his weapon. However, Hikaru's desire to understand Sakurako awakens a power inside her, allowing her to defeat Kappard. Afterwards, Hikaru relinquishes the election to Sakurako, believing she is better suited to be her own kind of president. |
Title: | Hikaru is the student council president! ? Kira Yaba Election Battle ☆ | |
Air Date: | October 6, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 24 min | |
Genres: | Anime | |
magically_delicious : Contains spoilers. Click to show. It's very poignant documentary. What a tragedy. What an entirely preventable horror. I ...