random000 : Bingo. Our oldest daughter found it. This flick is a total indie that flew under the radar...
yellow_rose1 : I know huh? I don't understand why is has a really low rating. I find it very funny. In th...
real_deviil : I went into this expecting nothing, and I was pleasantly surprised. Much better than all t...
Daniela : Season12 ... Veronica , OMG , I hate her ... she is so FAKE !!!
grasshopper rex : With government waste being such a topical issue right now, I would have liked to see them...
bbbuxxx : ATTENTION! Ends with bee porn! :)
snazzydetritus : This is totally what I was thinking while watching so I guess I am grooving on the wavelen...
IceKreamSundaze : cute
snazzydetritus : I juts rialezed.
Alien : You spelled lavewength wrong. ;)
random000 : Bingo. Our oldest daughter found it. This flick is a total indie that flew under the radar...