Title: | "Scooby's Escape From Atlantis" / "Richie of the Round Table" / "Excalibur Scooby" / "I Want My Mummy" / "Scooby Saves the World" / "Canine Cadet" | |
Air Date: | September 26, 1981 | |
Runtime: | 44 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Comedy | |
Title: | "Scooby's Escape From Atlantis" / "Richie of the Round Table" / "Excalibur Scooby" / "I Want My Mummy" / "Scooby Saves the World" / "Canine Cadet" | |
Air Date: | September 26, 1981 | |
Runtime: | 44 min | |
Genres: | Action Adventure Comedy | |
FillipW : How hot was it ?