Ainsley takes the 20-minute plane trip to the island of Tobago, where seafood is king. Starting off with a trip to see Miss Trim – who cooks up the best crab ‘n' dumplings on the island, Ainsley is inspired to cook his own version of Tobago blue crab with hand clapped roti's. Ainsley's next stop is to see Kenneth and Alison Sardinha, who teach him about Tobago cuisine whilst whipping up a dougla rum chicken dish.Heading across the island to the fishing village of Charlottesville, Ainsley helps bring in the catch of the day and picks up some fish for his recipe – mustard fish and mango chili chow.The chef ends the day with a relaxing boat trip to experience the Nylon Pool, where locals claim the water here has the ability to rejuvenate anyone lucky enough to swim in it. To reflect his experience at Nylon Pool, Ainsley wraps up his time in Tobago by mixing up a bluewater breeze cocktail. |
Title: | Tobago | |
Air Date: | February 10, 2019 | |
Runtime: | 60 min | |
Genres: | Food Travel | |
gravedigger : You are correct. Actually, most farmers have them, No vet needed. Has to be done relativ...