Discontent is growing in the country, and upon hearing the pleas of a silk weaver of Spitalfields, Victoria decides she must help. Against Peel and Albert's advice, she hatches a plan: a fantastic medieval ball at the Palace, where the attendees have to wear costumes made from Spitalfields silk. Meanwhile, having received no recent news from Lord Melbourne, Victoria grows increasingly concerned. She sends Emma to check up on her old friend to make sure all is well. Despite his initial protestations, and struggling to find his place as a Prince Consort and husband, Albert allows himself to be seduced by the grandeur of the event, and the opportunity to finally wear a crown. When the ball arrives, it provides the perfect backdrop for old friends to reunite and romances to ignite, but it doesn't receive the positive response from the nation that Victoria had hoped.
Alien : It wasn't a bet, it was a poll