Kaye Adams, Frankie Bridge, Stacey Solomon and Jane Moore are on the Loose Women panel and are joined by Brenda Edwards and Coleen Nolan to launch a new run of Body Stories.
dosmundos : TicTok is worth between 100-200 billion. Jimmy's estimated value is 75 million at best.
grasshopper rex : was just trying to help. you do you, maybe others will find it helpful
sanholo : would rather dl the subs myself than use vidscr
grasshopper rex : VidSrc has subtitles for this
Xsile : To quote a line from the movie Modern Problems. Ah ha ha ha I like it!
footshot : cool cheers i'll add itt to the list
GeminiSaga : Meh. Unsurprisingly, the first one is better.
Renard Chasefield : Frakin yaaasss! Let’s go s4!
Speed711 : Enjoyed these first 2 episodes of season 4. Thanks.
kong : Imho, season 1 is fantastic, season 2 is not.
dosmundos : TicTok is worth between 100-200 billion. Jimmy's estimated value is 75 million at best.