Breakfast show presented by Ben Shephard, Ranvir Singh, Charlotte Hawkins and Sean Fletcher. Comedian and actor Omid Djalili chats about his new Edinburgh Fringe show.
~Dime~ : Love this group. Been listening to them from their start, and Tabias before he started Gho...
Apstar : i can't believe jeri ryan stooped that low.
BoochJohnson : I know this is filmed in front of a live studio audience, but the amount of canned laughte...
TheFreakyRobber : Oooohhhhh, that was some thrilling must see Young and the Restless right there!!!! 🍿🍿🍿
Can I pet that dawg? : Appreciation accepted, gratefully. Thank you :)
kong : Imho, season 1 is fantastic, season 2 is not.
DownrightDebonaire : damn, you for commenting, now I have to watch it too!
porkadobo : thanks for the HC subs proper
maxx.black2 : here's one that you might want to check out
grasshopper rex : was just trying to help. you do you, maybe others will find it helpful
~Dime~ : Love this group. Been listening to them from their start, and Tabias before he started Gho...