After befriending Haunter in Lavender Town, Ash, Misty, and Brock return to Saffron City for his rematch with Sabrina. When they head to the gym, Haunter disappears and Ash tries to run away. Sabrina locks down the gym and turns Misty and Brock into dolls. Then the man that had helped them before returns to save Ash and his pokemon by teleporting them outside. He tell Ash about Sabrina's life, and how her personality is split in two. After Sabrina first developed her psychic powers, her childish side disappeared and turned into the doll she now holds. Now Ash must somehow defeat Sabrina, with or without Haunter. Meanwhile, the doll versions of Brock and Misty have a run in with Sabrina's mom!
RobotAllah : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Praying Sean and Sarah make it through that extreme emotional trauma. What losers. They pu...