Rough seas aren't the only issue in this episode, as the sun sets in Raglan the team have 15 minutes to find and rescue three struggling surfers before it's too dark.
RobotAllah : Any chance Frank and Sam can win if they make the final?
Mikeonalpha : What happened to all the links for all episodes of this latest season? The other day they ...
grasshopper rex : The links on episode 1 are for all of it.
magically_delicious : One of SK’s best adaptations and highly underappreciated. Honest, thought-provoking and gr...
magically_delicious : Thanks! I have read about that. I've read Margaret Atwood's books (including The Testame...
kkarlz : This was good :)
Birdsforme : Glad someone else ere appreciated him!
Can I pet that dawg? : Did you watch it here? Because there are no links now.
WaxyChicken : Yay! Links! :)
RobotAllah : Any chance Frank and Sam can win if they make the final?