Smeagoll : no apology necessary, i watch true crime alot. not podcasts, but the documentary type. my ...
grasshopper rex : You could have made your points without the insulting tone and condescension. I only gave ...
Steve_mi : I have not been through that sort of trauma, and i should've clarified that. i'm not assum...
Steve_mi : that is truly horrific. i didn't mean to imply that everyone get some sort of benefit, and...
Skullion : __Oh me oh my, I did forget how gosh darn good this is!__
Alien : You're paranoid
kkarlz : Thanks for the suggestion, gonna watch that next :)
workmanpound : You must be in on it too!
CollideDuhScope : You're fun as much as you don't like to admit.. Smoochez
gldmediatv : Really-ЖЖЖЖ-Struggle to imagine what the first was like ?
Smeagoll : no apology necessary, i watch true crime alot. not podcasts, but the documentary type. my ...