Trumpeter Joey's on the verge of being kicked out on the curb, due to his gambling losses and mooching off the other Emersons. The sympathy Joey's earned during his recuperation from a split embouchure is wearing thin. Roc goes through the Baltimore Sun want ads with him, but Joey judges the few jobs he's qualified for, as beneath him. Father Andrew recalls how when he was scuffling as a young buck, any kind of job afforded him some dignity. So, Roc offers to get his Joey a job with him, as a Charm City garbage man, but taunts Joey that he wouldn't last a week. Imaginative Joey's eyes light up like a slot machine - because he seldom loses a bet to his workaday older brother.
Piglet : As I'm watching this episode an actor most of us know pops up! But it isn't Shawn Ashmore ...