Rick and Chumlee travel to Los Angeles to "Terminate" a deal on several iconic set pieces from the movie; Corey rocks out with some Alice In Chains memorabilia.
Odie : Sorry guys, this time i was being honest, And Piglet reads alot more reviews than i do so ...
Dis : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Left me in tears. Good movie and worth the watch, especially if you served, or are haunted...
Alien : 👍🏼
Piglet : Thank Alien! I appreciate you!
Alien : Yes, you are trying to start shit and you've been doing it frequently. There has to be som...
SkidMarx : This season is exponentially better so far. Now lets hope they can keep it up and not get ...
random000 : Holy moly had no idea. We're 5 episodes behind. Thanks!
greenguy86 : I love the advice at the end for men and women. Funny but it's all true. Poking fun while ...
Dante89 : I hated this season so far but this episode was actually funny :D so many great jokes and ...
Odie : Sold out?are you kidding me? He bought in son. Billl Burr is one of the most authentic com...
Odie : Sorry guys, this time i was being honest, And Piglet reads alot more reviews than i do so ...