Zorro7 : Loving it so far, stephen lang was perfect for this series!
cybertech00 : they call police "bobbies" in the uk maybe thats where the confusion comes from
cybertech00 : we defo dont call kids boobies in the uk im not sure where u got that info from but its wr...
Christmasstar : Both of you have notbing better to do, i see,than just being stupidly retarded fighting o...
Pringokid : We have a great community yourself included. People like Jones or whatever are not worth y...
Dethkids : This is why I always say, If you don't like the concert go to a different show! Lol
grasshopper rex : Better than burning social safety nets to show what selfish assholes act like.
random000 : Yet go on a nature walk where we live & it's boobs in the woods all day. Both kinds. The k...
Rasnac : Mixdrop links do not have subtitles for the parts people speak in that ancient language. T...
random000 : Kooky. Besides Chloe, it has Jane Birkin's daughter Lou Doillon, Charlotte Gainsbourg's li...