Honest Review : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Without that action scene at the end would of been a 6/10. So I guess this is the end of V...
Honest Review : Pretty good end to a trilogy. Maybe even better than the first making it the better one of...
fl4g0ndry : See, not all Canadians are nice. LMAO! This was hilarious and Jamie Lee Curtis as one of t...
Alien : Great polymorphous perversity!!
Gnostic_Alchemist : Decent show but zero on screen chemistry between those two
Annabella : Great example of "Wha…?" 2nd degree "Excuse me…?" style British humor. Not for everyone, b...
NoelCoyotebleu : Holy Smackarole!! That was one kickass showdown! Sheridan has a golden pen. This episode! ...
Alien : None
Vmonk2 : Wow, I can't imagine not liking this. What TV series is better than this in this genre? I'...
SRW : They did use a body double for his final appearance.