leatard : Gang Gang!!!
kkarlz : i'll be replaying that bathroom scene.
pramwire : Wow they made another show with just miss scarlet! I used to love that old show miss scarl...
Rontron25 : Well I Tried...
Johnny8557 : i think this is a masterpiece,good build up to each one...not sure why anyone would think ...
snazzydetritus : I've never seen a better Tudors story or representation than this 2-season series. None of...
random000 : Although a lot of the posts are goofed up, this one is where it supposed to be & Valerie H...
Annabella : Great example of "Wha…?" 2nd degree "Excuse me…?" style British humor. Not for everyone, b...
prism : Enterprise had "Similitude" and Voyager had "Tuvix", did TNG have a similar ethical dilemm...
Draco1969 : SKYNET approves this film.