Alien : I guess you have to know Warhammer to know Warhammer.
greyfur : Snap....
greyfur : Could have made a whole series based on just that alone!
tildeath92 : This is dope BUTTTTTTT come onnnnnn Amazon studios, CAN YALL MAKE AN EPISODE LONGER THAN 1...
Zonkl : this wa s good
bob1042 : very good movie
Honest Review : Pretty good end to a trilogy. Maybe even better than the first making it the better one of...
prism : No ethical dilemma there, she suffered a cascade failure, they tried to help her but could...
ErichKlopfton : Must be Xmas season: all my favourite comics make sweet episodes. "I´m pooping…"
un1que1 : Fair assesment for sure. I do, however, wonder what could have happened if Data did not S...