insaniacza : UFC really has become a bit of a joke I gotta be honest.
Scatter2k : This Is Us ~ Post Apocalypse Version. Sometimes very real but full of emotion.
AmieWarren : Well, that was a nice ending. Now just one more year until we find out where it goes from ...
AnHistoricPigeon : Absolutely spot on. Rewatching the "gratuitous sex-and-violence trappings"-filled Showtime...
snazzydetritus : I've never seen a better Tudors story or representation than this 2-season series. None of...
Annabella : Great example of "Wha…?" 2nd degree "Excuse me…?" style British humor. Not for everyone, b...
prism : Enterprise had "Similitude" and Voyager had "Tuvix", did TNG have a similar ethical dilemm...
AnHistoricPigeon : Absolutely spot on. Rewatching the "gratuitous sex-and-violence trappings"-filled Showtime...
TomJones : I thought they cancelled this version?? Don't get me wrong. This is my favorite version bu...
SkidMarx : How so?