Vmonk2 : Wow, I can't imagine not liking this. What TV series is better than this in this genre? I'...
GeminiSaga : He's the one who insinuated that people who don't like this season have been numbed down b...
GeminiSaga : Three episodes in and it's pretty drab. The saturated green film tone doesn't make it more...
Gnostic_Alchemist : Decent show but zero on screen chemistry between those two
Annabella : Great example of "Wha…?" 2nd degree "Excuse me…?" style British humor. Not for everyone, b...
NoelCoyotebleu : Holy Smackarole!! That was one kickass showdown! Sheridan has a golden pen. This episode! ...
prism : Enterprise had "Similitude" and Voyager had "Tuvix", did TNG have a similar ethical dilemm...
Vmonk2 : Wow, I can't imagine not liking this. What TV series is better than this in this genre? I'...
Alien : None