michaelmyers : i my self prefrered the girl in glassices i thought she was hot ! what a sha...
Honest Review : Such a fun movie. Movies like this give me hope that Hollywood can still make good movies,...
mkmikas : not a mel gibson fan then..
IceKreamSundaze : facts, binged the heck out of this in one sitting lol, k maybe two.
simones : excellent and heartwarming film that shows community spirit still exists.Best of British a...
Dethkids : 🦇Same here I'm starting from #1 again! So sick!🦇 ( I guess with all the bad reboots out ...
yarner78 : bloody brilliant!
Dethkids : Oh wow I love this comic book, I don't know how I missed this series! If it is anywhere cl...
Ozymandias75 : yes to both comparisons, considering its based in a reality vs isekai, also consider the a...
DAUHUMAN : Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah