yellow_rose1 : I'm so rooting for this couple. I hope they have a baby real soon. They would make great p...
chubbyhampster : thanks who ever posted
yellow_rose1 : thank you. Hoarding disorder has always intrigued me. I lived with a hoarder for two years...
magically_delicious : Perfectly stated. ☝️
michaelmyers : here their in makings of a part 2
AdChris : Contains spoilers. Click to show. Ok story line. lil slow at times and some parts made me mad then shed a tear. Things in wa...
elin : Glad you liked it!
MP8219 : Couldn't agree more. It's actually infuriating that a handful of people have held back the...
cocorific : Thanks for bringing it to my attention! I'd heard of it but never saw it. Oh man this wa...
Boraes : Agree. My dad's a hoarder, nowhere near as bad as some but our double garage is stuffed f...