Birdsforme : This a really long film, almost 2 1/2 hours. To say it is strange and odd is an understate...
Euringer : Al Gore has made an absolute garbage truck full of money off climate activism and investme...
BJ_Mcgee : better than making a fortune selling our national secrets.
greyfur : Contains spoilers. Click to show. 'I never knew dating was so complicated', Oh, man that was priceless!🤣
harper846 : Now we are getting somewhere.
Xsile : Ya know the original what if comic ran from 1977 to 1984 and are really good. I have sever...
Dante89 : Amazing first episode of the season and great character growth. ^^
Harthal : Contains spoilers. Click to show. I enjoyed the episode but it jumped around a lot between 4-5 different groups and their st...
timleyes : Ok getting to see inside Solo's place and his story just made Silo a whole lot more inter...
Sassinak : this was awful. I never thought Id see Cate in a bad movie. Mostly good actors. On shrooms...