Movies and Shows Similar to One Minute to Zero

Sebastian (1969)

Lunch Hour (1963)

The Dogs (1979)

High Barbaree (1947)

Mousey (1974)

Blackout (1940)

Cage of Gold (1952)

Manon (1949)

Stolen Hours (1963)

Force of Arms (1951)

Hell in Korea (1957)

The Big Steal (1949)

Backlash (1956)

Lust for Gold (1949)

The Command (1954)

Johnny Angel (1945)

The Tall T (1957)

Saigon (1948)

Gypsy Wildcat (1944)

The Gay Dog (1954)

Fallguy (1963)

Echo of Diana (1963)

River Beat (1954)

Invitation (1952)

Cavalry Scout (1951)

Right Cross (1950)

Gunsmoke (1953)

Undercurrent (1999)

Moonshot : If they ever put this up with subs could someone let me know? It looks interesting but so ...