Movies and Shows Similar to Thieves

Road (2017)

Underdog Kids (2015)

Conscious (2018)

Sacrifice (2019)

Dead Heist (2007)

Josephine Doe (2018)

Full Circle (2013)

Ballast (2008)

Stripped (2017)

Eternal Code (2020)

Frontier (2020)

Xenophobia (2019)

Test Drive (2019)

My Father Die (2017)

Defiant (2019)

Terry Teo (2016)

White Chamber (2019)

Turnt (2020)

50 Central (2017)

Chameleon (2019)

Juda (2017)

One Point O (2005)

Gravesend (2020)

.357 (2013)

Ellipse (2019)

Abducted (2014)

Wasteland (2011)

The Recall (2017)

Martian Land (2015)

Armistice (2014)

Dark Energy (2014)

Isle of Dogs (2014)

Wolvesbayne (2009)

Skinned (2020)

Immigrant (2013)

Tension(s) (2018)

Lycan (2017)

Descendents (2009)

Hellbinders (2009)

Demon Squad (2019)

Rapid Fire (1989)

The Banished (2019)

Alienated (2021)

Tunnel (2002)

Alien Secrets (2006)

Firepower (1993)

Attack in LA (2018)

Tiger Raid (2016)

On the Edge (2002)

Run (2014)

The Invaders (2018)

Fearless (2017)

Project Grey (2007)

The P.A.C.K. (1997)

Falling Fire (1997)

Blank (2019)

David (1997)

Mask of Thorn (2019)

pmelagence : sucks sooooooooo bad makes me ashame to be gay and canadian