Movies and Shows Similar to Elvis '56

City Rush 4 (2025)

Path to Paris (2024)

Kissufim (2024)

Vendetta Road (2023)

Final Cut (2023)

Viva Elvis (2023)

Lady Terror (2023)

Elvis the Pig (2022)

The Hit (2022)

Indian 2 (2024)

T.i.M (2018)

Chased (2020)

ABBA: SOS (1975)

Kill Kane (2016)

Dockweiler (2008)

Yesterday (1988)

Beatles Diary (1996)

$100 Makeover (2010)

Cash and Cari (2011)

T.I.M. (2014)

Vengeance (1964)

Crowd Work (2014)

The Killer (2007)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3