Movies and Shows Similar to Vampiro: Angel, Devil, Hero

Forever Yours (2010)

Underdog (2019)

Strega (2019)

We Will Riot (2013)

Rockbottom (2024)

Skate Girl (2006)

Candy Cruz (2023)

Satanika (1998)

Superhero Tri (2022)

Negro Terror (2019)

Tooth 4 Tooth (2020)

Poser (2022)

Knuckle City (2019)

Patong Girl (2014)

Wesley Willis (2003)

Luster (2002)

Club Life (2015)

Sugar Rush (2019)

All Styles (2018)

Hinomaru Sumo (2018)

Doomed (2007)

Daikaijû mono (2016)

Hey Bartender (2013)

Exposed (2014)

Dishdogz (2006)

Deck Dogz (2005)

Mutantes (2009)

Odd Noggins (2000)

Vampie (2014)

On Tour (2010)

yellow_rose1 : Contains spoilers. Click to show. For the first time this season I saw that ending coming. I just hope Robbie's people didn'...