Speed711 : You know it's going to be bad but if you are a Jackie Chan fan or have some free time 🐼😅
Lily23 : You need a messy pot stirrer to keep things interesting :)
ziggycat2008 : thanks man
t981x : Knock off of Hatchet with Popeyes Name. Ok Gore but meh of a movie.
PsyEnz : oh my god..... i forget about that Glory Kill at the end
BROMBERG : Thanks for the lead !
Annabella : Very nice little film…
WeeKnighT : I added links for seasons 1 and 2 but there are 5 seasons of the show.
prism : "We seek peaceful co-existence" 😂
ijaija : I love Morris Chestnut, he never seems to age and is gorgeous too! I would like to see him...