Movies and Shows Similar to Strike Force

Cruel Doubt (1992)

Most Wanted (1976)

Comics (1993)

Switch (1975)

Down Home (1990)

Teta (1987)

Dog House (1990)

Ladies' Man (1980)

Gloria (1982)

Overexposed (1990)

Bagdad Cafe (1990)

The Magicians (2000)

Lime Street (1985)

Turnabout (1979)

Deathstone (1990)

Adderly (1986)

Walking Tall (1981)

Daredreamer (1990)

Sins (1986)

Class of '96 (1993)

Karen (1975)

Ann Jillian (1989)

Evil Spirits (1994)

240-Robert (1979)

Framed (1992)

Sara (1985)

The Suckling (1990)

Stella Street (2004)

Deadfall (2000)

Alien Nation (1989)

La llorona (1960)

My Son Johnny (1991)

It Takes Two (1982)

pmelagence : sucks sooooooooo bad makes me ashame to be gay and canadian