Movies and Shows Similar to The Dodo's Guide to Surviving Extinction

Ten Billion (2015)

Anti Social (2016)

Intercourse (2017)

Kiss & Cry (2013)

Conception (2005)

Kush (2008)

Hierankl (2003)

The Drop (2006)

L'assistante (2013)

Night Mayor (2010)

Lovesong (2001)

Hedy (1966)

Beauty #2 (1965)

Gift Girls (1980)

Skhizein (2009)

The Hunger (1993)

Angel Heart (1995)

Equator (1983)

Nutcracker (1984)

Cassandra (2008)

The Naked Sun (1984)

Damage (2012)

Time Travel (2011)

Regrets (2009)

Scum's Wish (2017)

Goutte d'Or (2013)

Tainted Love (1996)

Naked Jane (1995)

Ozuma (2012)

Saikano (2002)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3