Movies and Shows Similar to Onii-chan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne!!

Soul Mates (2018)

The Fury (2016)

Patricia (1981)

Les marmottes (1993)

Onegai Twins (2003)

Les turlupins (1980)

#Dupe# (1977)

Mad Youth (1940)

The Miracle (1991)

DMTSoup (2014)

Syskonsalt (2000)

Yellowknife (2002)

Egyptian Vice (2015)

An bisect (2010)

Blue Nude (1978)

Juloratoriet (1996)

Song of Songs (2006)

Runaround (2009)

Revolución (2011)

Gayuma (2015)

Body Love (1978)

Moje sestra (2010)

VD (1972)

Speed Grapher (2005)

Faillir (2012)

Born in 68 (2008)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3