Movies and Shows Similar to The Crawlers

Alienator (1990)

StageFright (1987)

Cupid (1997)

Crawlspace (1972)

The Wax Mask (1997)

Angel Eyes (1993)

Teenage Tramp (1973)

Ringer (1996)

Murder Weapon (1989)

Strays (1991)

Firefly (2005)

Bikini Island (1991)

Ultrachrist! (2003)

Wolfhound (2002)

Star Knight (1986)

Fatal Error (1999)

Evil Spirits (1994)

Vice Girls (1997)

Night Killer (1990)

Nightfall (2000)

Night Games (1980)

Sniper (2014)

Murder in Law (1989)

Harvest Moon (2007)

Gamers (2006)

D.C. Sniper (2010)

Visions (1989)

Ronnie (2002)

Sucker (1998)

Stalked (2000)

Anniyan (2005)

A Super Fêmea (1973)

The Turning (1992)

Exit (1996)

Super Force (1990)

Veronica 2030 (1999)

Pantham (2018)

Damul (1985)

Player (2012)

chazw0zz3r : Contains spoilers. Click to show. DING DONG THE WItCH IS DEAD