Movies and Shows Similar to For Sasha

Taya (2021)

Life Line (2007)

Room No. 7 (2005)

Asteria (2017)

Les brouches (1994)

Invisible (2007)

Nausicaa (1971)

AmnesiA (2001)

Our Indians (1995)

Surrender (2003)

Esther Kahn (2000)

Urbanissimo (1967)

Gift Girls (1980)

Cassandra (2008)

The Naked Sun (1984)

Exoids (2012)

Skhizein (2009)

The Hunger (1993)

Annabelle Lee (1974)

Malamore (1982)

Time Travel (2011)

Fanarchy (2015)

Tainted Love (1996)

Le sphinx (1995)

Saikano (2002)

Yuki no Joou (2005)

Dead Romantic (1992)

Zacharius (1984)

Richard III (1983)

Brandmale (1983)

The Betsy (1978)

Two People (1973)

The Alphabet (2007)

Neighbours (1952)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3