Movies and Shows Similar to Memories of Murder

Whisper Kill (1988)

True Blue (2001)

Copperhead (2008)

Party Girls (1990)

Manticore (2005)

Blackjack (1998)

New Frontier (1939)

Action U.S.A. (1989)

The Devil's 8 (1969)

Keaton's Cop (1990)

Blood Hook (1987)

Blind Horizon (2004)

Arizona Heat (1988)

Deadly Skies (2007)

The Losers (1971)

Seven Mummies (2006)

Almighty Thor (2011)

Deep Core (2000)

Entrapment (1983)

Top Dog (1995)

Alien Species (1996)

Redball (1999)

Killer Net (1998)

The Guardian (1984)

Slow Burn (1990)

The Rage (1997)

Redneck Roots (2011)

Bad Blood (2015)

Warhead (1996)

The Assassin (1953)

Konga (1961)

Dead Ahead (1996)

The Sighting (2016)

Outrage (1998)

Killer Fish (1979)

Epicenter (2001)

Lethal Target (1999)

St. Ives (1976)

Decoy (1995)

Nazi Agent (1942)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3