Movies and Shows Similar to Beyond the Stars

Time Warp (1981)

Zone Troopers (1985)

Bear Island (1979)

Dune Warriors (1991)

Battletruck (1982)

The Chosen (1978)

Juggernaut (1974)

Murphy's Law (1986)

Cocaine Wars (1985)

The Carrier (1988)

Empire of Ash (1988)

The Klansman (1974)

Enigma (1983)

Assassination (1987)

Matthews (2017)

X-15 (1961)

Haunted (1977)

Witchcraft (1964)

Dark Places (1974)

The Innocent (1995)

Skyjacked (1972)

The Final Cut (1996)

Town on Trial (1957)

Lost Horizon (1973)

Nightbreaker (1989)

Torpedo Run (1959)

PT 109 (1963)

In My Country (2004)

Tentacles (1977)

Biohazard (1985)

Callan (1975)

Mona Lisa (1986)

Dr. Crippen (1966)

Conquest (1984)

Hostages (1993)

Hamlet (1948)

Dimension 5 (1966)

Sweeney! (1977)

Frogs (1972)

Piglet : Russell Crowe will play the spy Adolf Tolkachev, who is set on a highly dangerous mission ...