Movies and Shows Similar to Tom Thumb Meets Thumbelina

Glass Mask (2005)

Aladdin (1992)

Ten Billion (2015)

Life Line (2007)

Naked Truth (2014)

Neverland (2003)

Hot Set (2012)

Wife Tamers (1926)

Pericle (2016)

Lusitania (1998)

The Dead (2004)

Mondo Keyhole (1966)

Invisible (2007)

Keep It Quiet (1999)

Dans tes bras (2009)

Surrender (2003)

**** (1967)

Cassandra (2008)

The Naked Sun (1984)

Skhizein (2009)

The Hunger (1993)

Damage (2012)

Malamore (1982)

Regrets (2009)

Fanarchy (2015)

Tainted Love (1996)

Anna (1987)

Equator (1983)

Saint October (2007)

Brandmale (1983)

Josepha (1982)

Hot Cookies (1977)

Mandinga (1976)

BobbyBBB : Didn't need to see that beaver!