Movies and Shows Similar to Lost

Houdini (1953)

Blondie (1938)

McHale's Navy (1964)

Atomic Dog (1998)

A Pig's Tale (1994)

Gallant Bess (1947)

Sabaka (1955)

Invisible Dad (1998)

Avalanche (1994)

Trapped (1973)

Fluffy (1965)

Thank Heaven (2004)

Magic Town (1947)

Hangmen (1987)

Ivy + Bean (2022)

Two (1996)

Mule Feathers (1977)

The Honkers (1972)

Onionhead (1958)

Mooncussers (1962)

Miracle (2000)

Beauty (1998)

Laguna Heat (1987)

Magic Rock (2001)

The Good Life (1994)

Camp Stories (1997)

Hidden Hills (2002)

Liar's Edge (1992)

Uninvited (1993)

Owd Bob (1998)

School's Out (1999)

Fired Up (1997)

Trio (1950)

Triple Threat (2005)

Dante89 : Awesome character in this show though haha xD <3