Movies and Shows Similar to Vigilante

Death Valley (1982)

Darkroom (1989)

Psycho Girls (1986)

Lone Wolf (1988)

Terror Squad (1988)

Blood Theatre (1984)

Primal Scream (1988)

Night Ripper! (1986)

Hollow Gate (1988)

Mutant War (1988)

Harlequin (1980)

The Dreaming (1990)

The Ghosting (1992)

The Pumaman (1980)

Psyche 59 (1964)

The Red Siren (2002)

Blind Witness (1989)

The Oscar (1966)

Scalpel (1977)

The Hearse (1980)

Hard Time (1998)

Killjoy (1981)

Covenant (1985)

Party Girl (1996)

Four Days (1999)

Foes (1977)

Fear No Evil (1981)

Funland (1987)

One Way Out (2002)

Acapulco Gold (1976)

Garbo Talks (1984)

Late Bloomers (1996)

Hold-Up (1985)

Picnic (1955)

Patty (1962)

Lost in Oz (2002)

Running Mates (1992)

Sheffey (1977)

Black Cat (1991)

Indecency (1992)

Heartwood (1998)

BobbyBBB : Didn't need that beaver shot!