Movies and Shows Similar to Stay Hungry

The Ritz (1976)

Foxfire Light (1982)

Scissere (1982)

The Pedlar (1982)

The Prodigal (1983)

The Healing (1983)

Capone (1975)

Home Safe (1981)

Thin Ice (1981)

Hotshot (1987)

The Pretender (1987)

The Boost (1988)

Embryo (1976)

Family Plot (1976)

The Message (1977)

Aunt Mary (1979)

The Fortune (1975)

Rainbow Drive (1990)

Old Dracula (1975)

Perfect (1985)

Breakout (1975)

All That Jazz (1979)

The Sender (1982)

Boom! (1968)

Inserts (1975)

Crazy Mama (1975)

Mandingo (1975)

Stardust (1974)

Dodge City (1939)

Eaten Alive (1977)

Evil Laugh (1986)

Ludwig (1973)

Nashville (1975)

Pal Joey (1957)

The In-Laws (1979)

Blood Mania (1970)

pmelagence : sucks sooooooooo bad makes me ashame to be gay and canadian