Movies and Shows Similar to Ballistic

Uppercut (2025)

Escalation (2023)

Fight to Live (2024)

Byte (2024)

Deep Fear (2023)

Snatched (2024)

Bagheera (2024)

In the Fire (2023)

Hope (2023)

Warchief (2024)

Share? (2023)

Disfluency (2025)

Remnant (2024)

Cellphone (2024)

Trafficking (2023)

The Piper (2023)

The Abandon (2024)

Wolves (2024)

Wild Boys (2023)

A Mistake (2024)

Bone Cage (2020)

The Runner (2022)

The Engineer (2023)

Big Cat Trail (2021)

ReBroken (2023)

Petrol (2023)

Bystanders (2025)

Shortcomings (2023)

Buddy (2024)

Incarcerated (2023)

What Remains (2022)

Grave Torture (2024)

Woe (2021)

Zombeez (2023)

Am Fear Liath (2024)

Effigy (2024)

Andy Somebody (2023)

Good One (2024)

Cat and Dog (2024)

Final Summer (2023)

Janet Planet (2024)

Vengeful (2024)

Live Survival (2023)

Surly : Oooooh! Serpent and the Rainbow is a good one! I watched it a few times back in the day bu...