Movies and Shows Similar to Superman: Solar (Short 2023)

Stormworld (2009)

Disenchanted (2022)

The Squad (2023)

TeraStorm (2022)

The Mannequin (2022)

Lifeforms (2023)

Free LSD (2024)

Oceans Rising (2017)

The Cooks (2004)

Island City (1994)

VR.5 (1995)

Avatar 4 (2026)

Flash Gordon (2007)

Love Child (1996)

Tabitha (1976)

The Twisters (2024)

Tarzan (2003)

Moonshot (2022)

Lifted (2010)

Slasher House (2013)

Gone Nutty (2002)

Santa Company (2019)

Dolphin Kick (2019)

500 MPH Storm (2013)

Mega Ape (2023)

Phantom Force (2007)

Time Trax (1993)

Dolly! (1976)

SheWatches : Picks up right where last season left off and with lots of good action.