Movies and Shows Similar to Dead Quiet (Short 2018)

Flicker (2019)

BloodBound (2017)

Conjure X (2020)

Stab 5 (2011)

Siccin 4 (2017)

iPsycho II (2013)

Stab (2020)

Methodic 1.5 (2009)

Only You (2021)

Backlash (2006)

Territories (2010)

Shadows (2007)

Toilet 105 (2010)

The Last Rite (2021)

Chato's Land (1972)

McBetter (2019)

Yashoda (2022)

The Gemini (2016)

Gemini (2014)

Lettera H (2019)

The Unkind (2021)

Kriya (2021)

Lair (2022)

The Privilege (2022)

Unborn (2022)

La promesa (2004)

Hangfire (1991)

The Ascension (2011)

Siccin 5 (2018)

The Innocents (2021)

The Wasteland (2022)

Countdown (2014)

Number 55 (2014)

Red 11 (2019)

Jallikattu (2019)

Amigo Undead (2015)

The Welder (2015)

smegheadtardis : Just once I want to see medically accurate zombies...