Movies and Shows Similar to The Making of World War Z

Another You (2017)

Serena Waits (2018)

Best Friend (2023)

Ghost Taxi (1999)

Ukonvaaja (2016)

Giger's Alien (1979)

Dual Alibi (1947)

Deatherman (2012)

The Drunk (2014)

Viking (2015)

Ju-on Car (2008)

Once Again (2018)

Blood Circus (2017)

Panic 5 Bravo (2014)

Henri (2017)

Road (2006)

Wheely (2019)

The Shiralee (1958)

Kidnapped (2021)

Ambition (1991)

The Red Tent (1969)

#Dupe# (2021)

Réttur (2009)

Devil Fish (1986)

One Six Right (2005)

Amphibian Man (1962)

Evil Nanny (2018)

Hitler (1962)

Off Piste (2017)

Cold Spring (2013)

200 M.P.H. (2011)

Black Orpheus (1959)

Phantom Racer (2009)

The Entrance (2006)

Odie : No problem! I usually make it a Double Feature with John Carpenters "In the Mouth of Madne...