Movies and Shows Similar to Scream Returns

Conjure X (2020)

BloodBound (2017)

Flicker (2019)

Stab 5 (2011)

Siccin 4 (2017)

iPsycho II (2013)

Stab (2020)

Methodic 1.5 (2009)

Only You (2021)

Backlash (2006)

Territories (2010)

Nice Package (2016)

VTC (2021)

Gender Crisis (2021)

Lame-os (2021)

Finde (2021)

Ekip Oyunu (2021)

Soror (2021)

Motel (2021)

Ritueel (2022)

Found Footage (2014)

Freaks (2008)

Shush (2021)

Alma (2021)

Twixtid : The talent from the cast is pretty cringe I ain't gonna lie, that being said, the gators w...