Movies and Shows Similar to How to Please a Woman

The Advocate (1994)

Brassed Off (1996)

The Patriots (1994)

Major Dundee (1965)

Endless Night (2015)

Dingo (1992)

The Hard Word (2003)

Monument Ave. (1998)

Hidden Agenda (1990)

Dog Days (2013)

Female Agents (2008)

Tankers (2018)

Team Spirit (2016)

Paris Paris (2022)

Deadfall (1968)

Rooms We Love (2022)

Big Apple (2001)

My Führer (2007)

Convicts 4 (1963)

Poker Face (2012)

The Joy of AI (2018)

I Am Here (2021)

Stan (2006)

Tim's Vermeer (2014)

Sleepers (1991)

The Amendment (2018)

The Shipment (2018)

Nadja (1995)

A Man Escaped (1957)

Croupier (1998)

Stormy Monday (1988)

Marlowe (1969)

Gunn (1967)

Cash McCall (1960)

Rain (2001)

Danny Boy (2021)

Irma Vep (1997)

Funny Pages (2022)

A Perfect Spy (1987)

Thin Ice (2011)

Quezon's Game (2020)

Lost in Paris (2017)

Transpecos (2016)

Hush (2020)

No Man's Land (1987)

Le convoyeur (2004)

Surly : Oooooh! Serpent and the Rainbow is a good one! I watched it a few times back in the day bu...