Movies and Shows Similar to Amityville in the Hood

Familiars (2021)

Sex Club 101 (2019)

Mark's Diary (2019)

Kriya (2021)

Into (2020)

101 Rent Boys (2000)

Zooey (2021)

What She Said (2021)

The Subject (2021)

Say Yes (2018)

Audition (2021)

Strings (2021)

Voices (2021)

Hurt (2021)

Trick (1999)

Smiley (2012)

Unborn (2022)

Delirium (2018)

Transhood (2020)

Gayby (2012)

Studio 54 (2018)

Conjure X (2020)

Gayby Baby (2016)

BloodBound (2017)

Flicker (2019)

The Last Rite (2021)

Siccin 4 (2017)

Stab 5 (2011)

iPsycho II (2013)

Stab (2020)

Methodic 1.5 (2009)

Hidden Kisses (2016)

Only You (2021)

grasshopper rex : Why anyone requests links to a show that gets over 1k views every week is beyond me. Like ...