Movies and Shows Similar to The Legend (Short 2019)

The '60s (1999)

Memory (2004)

Sex Clinic (2000)

Henry VIII (1991)

Mondo Keyhole (1966)

Les brouches (1994)

The Naked Sun (1984)

The Hunger (1993)

Damage (2012)

Scum's Wish (2017)

Lamune (2005)

Hot Set (2012)

Wanderlust (2008)

Naked World (1968)

Gift Girls (1980)

Sepolta viva (1973)

Cassandra (2008)

Aria (2005)

Goutte d'Or (2013)

Fanarchy (2015)

Héroïnes (1997)

Le sphinx (1995)

Saikano (2002)

Anna (1987)

Always (1985)

Equator (1983)

Brandmale (1983)

The Betsy (1978)

Odie : No problem! I usually make it a Double Feature with John Carpenters "In the Mouth of Madne...