Movies and Shows Similar to The Great UFO Conspiracy

Alien Gods (2003)

Celestial (2012)

Luna (2009)

Nelly (2017)

Beyond Belief (1976)

Kimera (1997)

Saya-zamurai (2011)

The Cage (2018)

Robot Planet (2018)

Sex (2003)

Sankarea (2012)

Hakubo (2019)

Fractale (2011)

Ai City (1999)

Clannad (2007)

Minna agechau (1987)

Watchers 3 (2011)

Watchers 2 (2011)

Transference (2020)

Hana (2006)

Blue Planet (1990)

Aoki Honô (1989)

Izo (2005)

Moon Machines (2008)

Telescope (2016)

Mezzo (2000)

Lunamancer (2023)

Odie : No problem! I usually make it a Double Feature with John Carpenters "In the Mouth of Madne...